(ISSN: 1527-5467)
the magazine of Literature & Literature-in-translation.


JUL 2005



















translated by

Martha Lackritz





Anh như cây gỗ xoan đào

Em như câu đối, dán vào nên chăng?

Em như cây kiểng trên chùa

Anh như con bướm đậu nhờ nên chăng?


                         I am like the trunk of a peach tree

                         and you a line of verse:

                      shall you carve yourself into my bark?

                         You are like a tree in the pagoda

                                                              and I a butterfly:

                 shall I perch myself upon your branches?





Tình anh như nước dâng cao

Tình em như dải lụa đào tẩm hương.


My love is like high-flowing waters,

yours a ruddy silk ribbon

rippling in fragrance.




Ước anh hóa ra dưa,

Để em đem tắm nước mưa chậu đồng.

Ước em hóa ra dơi,

Bay đi bay lại trên nơi anh nằm.


She:     If only you were a melon,

I would wash you in rainwater in a brass basin.


He:      If only you were a bat

flying to and from, above the place where I lie.




Cổ tay em trắng như ngà

Con mắt em liếc như là dao cau

Miệng cười như thể hoa ngâu

Cái khăn đội đầu như thể hoa sen.


Your wrists are white as ivory,

Your eyes cast downward as sharp as the blade of a betel knife,

Your lips pucker like a fragrant flower,

Your scarf rests about your head like a lotus.




Mưa sa giọt nhỏ giọt ngưng

Đôi ta duyên nợ bao chừng nhớ thương.


The rain falls brief, in fragile drops of water

We are fated to love each other

only just so.




Ước em biến ra chum

Anh biến ra nóc, anh trùmtrên.


If only you were a jug of water

I’d turn into a lid, and lay myself upon you.




Mưa từ trong núi mưa ra

Mưa khắp thiên hạ mưa qua chùa Thầy

Đôi ta đă gặp nhau đây

Như con gầy gặp bãi cỏ non.


It rains from within the mountains and rains on

It rains all over the world and it rains past Thay Pagoda

We met each other here

Like a lean cow meets grass on the mountainside.




Hỡi cô da đỏ má hồng

Cô đi theo chồng, cô bỏ xứ cha

Bây giờ tuổi tác đã già

Xứ chồng bỏ, xứ cha về.


To the woman with the red skin and pink cheeks

You followed your husband and left your father’s land,

Now that you are old

You have left your husband’s land

and returned to your father’s.




Ông thấp lấy mụ cao

Đến khi bóp lấy sào quơ.


Short old man marries a tall old hag –

When he reaches for her breasts, he has to use a pole.




Ước sông rộng một gang,

Bắc cẩu dải yếm để chàng sang chơi!


If only the river spanned the length of my blouse,

the strings about my shoulders

forming a bridge

for my love to cross over!






The Writers Post
the magazine of literature

& literature-in-translation,

founded 1999, based in the US.




Editorial note: Works published in this issue are simultaneously published in the printed Wordbridge magazine (ISSN: 1540-1723).

Copyright © Martha Lacritz 2005. Nothing in this magazine may be downloaded, distributed, or reproduced without the permission of the author/ translator/ artist/  The Writers Post/ and Wordbridge magazine. Creating links to place The Writers Post or any of its pages within other framesets or in other documents is copyright violation, and is not permitted.


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