WRITING Copyright © The Writers Post 1999-2006.
in this website may be downloaded, distributed, or reproduced without the
permission of the author/ translator/ artist/ and The Writers Post. Creating
links to place The Writers Post or any of its pages within other framesets or
in other documents is copyright violation, and is not permitted. ISSN 1527-5469 – US-based, founded 1999. Founder & Editor: N.
Saomai |
NGHE THUAT – Founder
and Publisher Vo Phien, HOP LUU - Editor-in-chief
Khanh Truong, SONG VAN –
Editor-in-chief Nguyen Sao
Mai, TAP CHI THO - Editor-in-chief
Khe Iem, THE KY 21 - Editor-in-chief Vuong Huu Bot, VAN - Editor-in-chief Nguyen Xuan Hoang, VAN HOC - Editor-in-chief:
Nguyen Mong Giac, VIET (with an emphasis on criticism) - Editor-in-chief Nguyen Hung Quoc, CHU DE - Editor-in-chief Nguyen Trung Hoi, PHO VAN - Editor-in-chief Nguyen Xuan Thiep, GIO VAN (Premier Issue launched April 2003) Editors: Han Song Tuong, Nguyen Thi
Thanh Binh, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Nhung, Phan Tuyen Tu. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Vietnamese magazines published
in the overseas.
VAN NGHE PUBLISHER, one of the most established publishers in the US,
introduced to the reader 7 selected literary magazines published in the
US and Australia: VAN HOC,
fact that there had been many journals or magazines published on a local emphasis
on literature, which was founded by writer Vo Phien and under the editorship
of writer Le Tat Dieu, launched on April 1978. Numbering begins with the first issue called Number 1. Published: San Diego, CA: VHNT Description: ¾94 pages, 21cm; number 1: April 1978. Frequency: Monthly Paper/US: $2.00 Founder: Vo Phien Publisher: Vo Phien
director: Lam
Triet Technical
director: Tran
Dinh Long Contributors to issue 1: Pham Duy, Vo
Phien, Mac Do, Le Tat Dieu, Pham Tang, and
Hoang Dung. · Issue 13 in 1979 (second picture above) marked the end of
VHNT’s old volume. The new volume was not published until 1985, and again,
discontinued after the publication of issue 8 & 9, Dec. 85 – Jan. 86. ® Information on the last issue of VAN HOC NGHE THUAT new
volume, issue 8 & 9, Dec. 85 – Jan. 86: Published: Westminster, CA: VHNT Description: 21cm; issue 8 & 9, Dec. 85 – Jan. 86. The first page is marked 925, the last page
1156. Frequency: Monthly Paper/US: $5.00 Publisher: Vo Phien Editor-in-chief: Le Tat Dieu Managing
editor: Nguyen
Mong Giac Technical
director: Tran
Dinh Long
8 & 9 by: Vo Dinh, Dinh Nguyen,
Kiet Tan, Nguyen Thi Hop, Nguyen Ba Trac, Nguyen Tat Nhien, Ngoc Dung, Huy
Luc, Chu Vuong Mien, Ho Truong An, Thai Tuan, Luan Hoan, Phan Thi Trong
Tuyen, Nguyen Khai, Thai Tu Hap, Le Diep Cam, Vo Nga, Nguyen Mong Giac, Ngo
Lam. Van Hoc Nghe Thuat, for her new
volume, obtained an International Standard Serial Number, ISSN: 0885-128X.
This International Standard Serial Number remained with the magazine when she
changed her name to VAN HOC in the following special issue on poetry
published on Feb. 1986, which started a completely different volume (See VAN
HOC below). The editorial board of VAN HOC: Pham Quoc Bao, Quyen Di, Vo Dinh,
Nguyen Mong Giac, Nguyen Duc Lap, Dinh Nguyen, Vo Nga, Nguyen Tat Nhien,
Hoang Khoi Phong, Bui Vinh Phuc, Vu Huy Quang, Nhat Tien, Nguyen Ba Trac. Executive director: Nguyen Mong Giac Administrative manager: Vo Thang Tiet. Editorial address: 10104 Westminster Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92643 (USA). · Vietnamese literary magazines published abroad, after VHNT. Factual
information on respective literary magazines published in the USA and
Australia. Alphabetically listed (except titles added after 2000). HOP LUU Published: Garden Grove, CA: Tan Thu & Thoi Van Publishing Group. Description: 21cm; Premier Issue 1991; numbering begins with issue 2 of December
1991. Frequency: Biannual Founder: Khanh Truong Editorial Board: Le Bi, Pham Viet Cuong, Tran Thi Bong Giay, The Giang, Luan Hoan,
Tran Nghi Hoang, Phan Tan Hai, Do Kh., Tram Phuc Khac, Thuy Khue, Ngoc Khoi,
Tran Quang Nam, Luu Nguyen, Ho Dinh Nghiem, Hoang Khoi Phong, Nguyen Thi Khoa
Phuong, Chan Phuong, Tran Sa, Nguyen Van Sam, Hoang Xuan Son, Nhat Tien, Dang
Tien, Tuong Vu Anh Thi, Phan Thi Trong Tuyen, Nguyen Manh Trinh, Tran Vu… Editor-in-chief: Khanh Truong Cover Art (issue 2): May by Nguyen
Trung. Assistant Editor: Phan Tan Hai (1996) Assistant Editor: Pham Viet Cuong (since Issue 52 of April & May 2000) ISSN: 1065-9323 Business & Editorial Address: PO. Box 277 Garden Grove, CA 92842 USA Updated contact information: New business & editorial address: Publisher: Khanh Truong Editor: Tran Vu P.O. Box 9809 Fountain
Valley, CA 92728-9809 Tel #
704-965-4651 SONG VAN A bimonthly literary periodical
founded in 1996 by Nguyen Sao Mai. Published: Miami, Florida: Songvan Magazine, c1996-, operating in Dade County,
Miami City, American State Florida. Frequency: Bimonthly, later Quarterly (beginning with issue 14 of July-Sept.
1999). Description: A magazine of literature and art; 21cm. First issue called ‘Premier
issue’ (March 1996), numbering begins with Issue 2 of May 1996. · Editorial Board: Nguyen Sao Mai, Hoang Thi Bich Ti, (1996-97), Nguyen Nhan Thuat,
Thanh Tam (managing editor), Nguyen Khai (art editor) · Publisher, Editor in chief: Nguyen Sao Mai · Staff-writers: Trieu Hoa Dai, Luan Hoan, Nguyen Sao Mai, Hoang Thi Bich Ti, Kinh Duong Vuong, Nguyen Thi Hoang
Bac, Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh, Nguyen Quoc Tru, Nguyen Nhan Thuat (not listed, staff-writer since Premier
Issue). · Managing Editor: Thanh Tam · Art editor: Nguyen Khai ISSN: 1089-8123 Business & Editorial Address: PO. Box 832464 Miami, Florida 33283 USA (discontinued 2000) Tap-chi THO Editor: Khe-Iem Editorial Board: Le Bi, Hoang Phu Cuong, Pham Viet
Cuong, Phan Tan Hai, Khe Iem, D. Kh., Tram Phuc Khac, Nguyen Hoang Nam, Chan
Phuong, Nguyen Tien, Huynh Manh Tien, Trinh Y Thu, Nguyen Tien Van, Ngu Yen. Business & Editorial Address: PO. Box 1745 Garden Grove, CA 92642 USA Updated contact information: New business & editorial address: Editors: Do Kh., Nguyen Thi Ngoc Nhung
P.O. Box 1745 Garden Grove, CA 92842 E-mail: tapchitho@sbcglobal.net THE KY 21 (Established 1989 by Nguoi Viet Co.) Published: Westminster, CA: Nguoi Viet Description: A journal with an emphasis on politic, 27cm Frequency: Monthly · Editorial Board: Do Quy Toan, Do Ngoc Yen, Ha Tuong Cat, Hoang Ngoc Tue,
Ly Van Chuong, Ngo Manh Thu, Nguyen Phuoc Quan, Pham Phu Minh, Pham Quoc Bao,
Tran Van Ngo. · General Manager: Do Ngoc Yen (1989-91) Le Dinh Dieu (1991-96) Pham Phu Minh (1997-2001) Hoang Ngoc Tue (2001-) · Editor-in-chief: Vuong Huu Bot (1989-2001) Pham Phu Minh (2001-) · Staff Writers: Bui Bich Ha, Hoang Chieu Nhan, Hoang Khoi Phong, Lan
Huong, Ngo Nhan Dung, Nguyen Ai Nhan, Nguyen Chi Kham, Nguyen Duc Tuong,
Nguyen Hung Vu, Pham Phu Minh, Thanh Thao, Tran Doan Nho, Tran Mong Tu, Tran
Ngoc Tuan, Tran Quan Niem. Business & Editorial Address: 14775 Moran Street Westminster, CA 92683 USA. Tel: (714) 839-8746 E-mail: theky21@kicon.com Web: http://kicon.com/theky21 Updated contact information: New business & editorial address: Editor: Pham Phu Minh 14775 Moran Street Westminster, CA 92683 USA. Tel: (714) 839-8746 VAN Founded by Nguyen Dinh Vuong (VN:
1963) Publisher: Saigon, VN: Nguyen Dinh Vuong (1963-1972; Westminster, CA: Mai Thao
(1982-1996). Description: A magazine of literature and the arts, founded by Nguyen Dinh Vuong
(Saigon, South Vietnam: 1963); republished in the US in 1982 by Mai Thao who
is the former managing
editor of Van Magazine (1973); 21cm. Frequency: Monthly Publisher & Editor-in-chief: · Mai Thao (USA: 1982-1996) The magazine was under Mai Thao’s editorship until 1996, when in his
ailing health he left it to Nguyen Xuan Hoang who is the former managing
editor of the magazine (Vietnam: 1972-1973). Editor-in-chief: · Nguyen Xuan Hoang (c1996-) (from issue 160 of September 1996) Editorial Address: 9355 Bolsa Avenue # 109 Westminster, CA 92683 USA Updated contact information: New business & editorial address: Editor: Nguyen Xuan Hoang P.O. Box 611626 San Jose, CA
95161 e-mail:
vanmagazine@sbcglobal.net Tel # 408-263-5283
(after 7:00 PM and Weekend) VAN HOC After the last issue of VAN
HOC NGHE THUAT new volume, issue 8 & 9, Dec. 85 – Jan. 86, the magazine
continued with the new name VAN HOC. The International Standard Serial Number, ISSN: 0885-128X, remained with
the magazine in the following special issue on poetry published on Feb. 1986.
Editorial board: Pham Quoc Bao, Quyen Di, Vo Dinh,
Nguyen Mong Giac, Nguyen Duc Lap, Dinh Nguyen, Vo Nga, Nguyen Tat Nhien,
Hoang Khoi Phong, Bui Vinh Phuc, Vu Huy Quang, Nhat Tien, Nguyen Ba Trac. Executive director: Nguyen Mong Giac Administrative manager: Vo Thang Tiet. Editorial address: 10104 Westminster Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92643 (USA). (Issue 66 of August 1991)
Description: A magazine of writing and analysis of literature and art, 21cm. Frequency: Monthly · Editorial Board: Nguyen Mong Giac, Nguyen Xuan Hoang, Mai Kim Ngoc. · Editor-in-Chief: Trinh Y Thu · Managing Editor: Cao Xuan Huy · Cover design: Khanh Truong In 1992, the executive of the magazine
changed, with no information on editor-in-chief given: · General Manager: Chau Van Tho · Editorial Board: Nguyen Mong Giac, Nguyen Xuan Hoang, Mai Kim Ngoc. · Managing Editor: Thach Han Although no information on editor-in-chief
was given, Nguyen Mong Giac was considered to be the Editor-in-chief of the
magazine, but not officially until 1997, beginning with issue 139 of November
1997: · Editorial Board: Mai Kim Ngoc, Nguyen Xuan Hoang, Thach Han, Chau Van
Tho, Nguyen Mong Giac. · General Manager: Chau Van Tho · Editor-in-Chief: Nguyen Mong Giac · Managing Editor: Thach Han In 2000, Nguyen Xuan Hoang withdrew
from the Editorial Board to devote his whole time to Van Magazine of which he
has been the Editor-in-chief since issue 160 of Sept. 1996. Van Hoc Magazine was under Nguyen
Mong Giac’s editorship until 2004, when because of his ill health he left it
to Cao Xuan Huy who is the former managing editor of the magazine in 1991. Issue 220 is the last issue under the editorship of Nguyen Mong Giac.
Cao Xuan Huy takes charge of Van Hoc’s New Volume, beginning with issue 221
of September 2004. Van Hoc’s New Volume from then on was published bimonthly. ISSN: 0885-128X Business & Editorial Address: PO. Box 1359 Garden Grove, CA 92842-1359 USA Updated contact information: New business & editorial address: Editor: Cao Xuan Huy PO. Box 1359 Garden Grove, CA 92842-1359 USA Tel: (714) 981-5475 VIET (With an emphasis on criticism) Published: Victoria, Australia: Viet, 19..- Description: A literary journal with an emphasis on criticism; 21cm; Frequency: Published twice a year (in January and July) · General Manager: Phan Viet Thuy · Editor: Nguyen Hung Quoc · Assistant Editor: Hoang Ngoc Tuan Editorial Board: Le Thanh Nhon, Uyen
Nguyen, Chim Hai, Vi Hoa, Nguyen Hoang Van, Nguyen Hoang Tranh, Pham Mieng
Tuong, Nguyen Minh Quan, Le Van Tai. ISSN: 1440-0375 Business & Editorial Address: 117 Civic Parade Altona, Victoria, 3018 Australia (discontinued) Added Sept.2001 CHU DE
Published: Portland, OR: Chu De. Frequency: Quarterly · Executive Editor: Nguyen Trung Hoi Business & Editorial Address: PM Box 286 11919 N. Jantzen Ave. Portland OR. 97217-819 USA. (discontinued) Added Sept.2001 PHO VAN
· Editor-in-chief: Nguyen Xuan Thiep Business & Editorial Address: PO Box 451568 Garland, TX 75045-1568 Added Sept.2003 GIO VAN (launched April 2003) Published: Alief, Texas: GioVan, 2003- Description: A literary magazine with an emphasis on exploration and
experimentation; 21cm.
First issue called Premier Issue (April 2003); numbering begins with Number 2
of November 2003. Frequency: Biannual · Editorial board: Han Song Tuong, Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Nhung, Tran Sa. · Cover Art by Dinh Cuong (Note: Tran Sa withdrew from the
Editorial Board after the first issue. The new Editorial Board includes Phan
Tuyen Tu. After Issue 3, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Nhung withdrew from the new
Editorial Board. Issue 4 of November 2005 was under the editorship of Han
Song Tuong, Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh, and Phan Tuyen Tu). Business & Editorial Address: P.O. Box 1035 Alief, Texas 77411-1035 Tel: (281) 433-4975 |
The Writers
Post, based
in Miami, American State Florida, established in 1999. ISSN: 1527-5469 |