ELECTRONIC MAGAZINE OF WRITING Copyright © The Writers Post 1999. Nothing in this website may be downloaded, distributed, or reproduced without the permission of the author/ translator/ artist/ and The Writers Post. Creating links to place The Writers Post or any of its pages within other framesets or in other documents is copyright violation, and is not permitted. ISSN 1527-5469 – US-based, founded
1999. Founder & Editor: N. Saomai / Nguyen Sao Mai VOLUME 1 - NUMBER 1 - JULY 1999
_________________________________________________________ LITERATURE
city by Tran Gia Nam (Click on title) Tran Gia Nam, pseudonym of Le-Ngoc-Chau,
poet and short story writer, author of 17 collections of poems published
under the pseudonym Luan-Hoan (see below). His first collection was published
in 1964. Thanks,
happy deathby N. Saomai (Click on title) N.Saomai, born in 1940,
started his writing in the early sixties, completed four novels which
remained unpublished during the Vietnam war. Can Nha, a novel having got past
the military government's censors of the press, been ready to be published in
1974, was published in 1997.
Weigh anchor to run by
Nguyen Thi Hoang Bac (Click on title) Nguyen Thi Hoang Bac is the author of
three collections of short stories: Long Lanh Hat Bui ( Van Nghe Publisher, California),
Ben Lo Ben Boi ( An Tiem Publisher), Keo Neo Ma Chay (Van Moi Publisher,
California). Nguyen Thi Hoang Bac's poems, short stories, and essays appeared
in numerous magazines of literature and art/ the arts published in USA,
Canada, and Australia. She wrote critical essays under the pen name Moc
Huong. Flee,
darling, into my dream by Nguyen Thi Thanh
Binh (Click
title) Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh - Her most recent book
is Tron Vao Giac Mo Em, a collection of poetry, published by Thanh Van
Publisher (1997). This is the fourth book of the author, after O Doi Song Nay
(a collection of short stories) published by Dai Nam Publisher (1989), Giot
Le Xe Hai (a novel) published by Van Khoa Publisher (1991), and Cuoi Dem Dai
(a collection of short stories) published by An Tiem Publisher (1993). Nguyen
Thi Thanh Binh's poems have recently appeared in numerous magazines. The
mountain by
Song Ho (Click on title) Song Ho, born in 1932, is a
poet and a journalist. He began his writing career in 1952 in Hanoi (North
Vietnam) and became a journalist after his resettling in 1954 in Saigon
(South Vietnam), where he contributed to numerous newspapers, radio
broadcast. His most recent book of poems, Da va Hoa, was published by Huong
Duong Publisher (1992), after Tho Song Ho, a collection of poems, published
by Khai Tri Publisher (Saigon, 1964). Hai Canh Hoa Tim, his first book of
poetry, was published in 1960. Rock and Flower, an just-completed
English-language version of Da va Hoa translated by Song Ho is available for
publication. Publishers may contact Song Ho at (512) 280-9048. Year-end
Blues by
Dinh Cuong (Click on title) Dinh Cuong, artist, poet and
free-lance writer, professor of Fine Art at Dong Khanh College Hue in (...);
he was born in Thu Dau Mot Vietnam in 1939, graduated from Hue Fine Art Shool
(1963), National School of Fine Art Saigon (1964). Like other prominent
artists, he joined the Young Vietnamese Artists Association, an active and
well-known artist group, in the early 60's, and was the Association's general
secretary in the period from 1969 to 1971. Dinh Cuong participated in many
international events: Singapore (1974), Sao Paulo (1967), Tokyo (1966), Tunis
(1964), Paris (1963), and International Exhibition in Saigon Vietnam (1962).
His work is presented in many private collections in Canada, France, Germany,
USA, and VietNam. In the field of literature, he composed poems, wrote essays
on art, and contributed to numerous established journals and magazines. His
poems and essays on art have appeared in many literary and art magazines,
including Van Hoc Nghe Thuat, Hop Luu, Van, Van Hoc, The Ky 21... Selected solo exhibitions: 1995 -- Datdo Gallery, McLean, Virginia. Selected group exhibitions: 1966 -- Bat Train Gallery, Towson, Maryland
colors of time by
Doan Phu Tu (Click on title) Doan Phu Tu Information on the
author is not available. This is
not the first time by
Hoang Ngoc Huong (Click on title) Hoang Ngoc Huong wrote poems at
early age. Her poems remain unpublished. Snow by
Hoang Xuan Son (Click on title) Hoang Xuan Son was born in Thua Thien
Vietnam in 1942 (it was recorded as 1947 in his birth certificate). He began
writing poetry in 1962. Vien Pho, his first collection of poetry, was
published in 1989 by Viet Chien Publisher. His most recent work Hue Buon Chi,
a collection of poems, was published in 1993. Hoang Xuan Son's poems have
appeared in numerous magazines of literature and art published in the United
States and Canada.
music, Purification (Click title) Pham Manh Vien -- Information on
the author is not available. Dinh Cuong | Doan Phu
Tu | Hoang Xuan Son The old
man who believed only what he saw (Click on title) Vo Ky Dien was born in 1941 in
South Vietnam. He started his writing in 1980, contributed to numerous
magazines and journals. Her most recent book is Pulau Bidong Mien Dat La, a
novel, published by Xuan Thu Publisher (1992). This is the second book of the
author, after Ke Dua Duong a collection of short stories published in 1986. The
old man who believed only what he saw is a short story translated by
Huynh Sanh Thong, published in the Lac Viet Series, No 5. The
compass of command transferred to a friend (Click on title) Luan Hoan, pseudonym of Le
Ngoc Chau, born in 1941, poet and short story writer, celebrated for his 17 collections
of poems. His recent collection of poems was Co Hoa Goi Dau, published by
SongVan in 1997, after Nuoi Thom Chum Ky Niem Xanh (Tho Canada 1995), Moi Em
Len Ngua (Song Thu USA 1994), Cam On Dat Da Tro Tho (Kinh Do USA 1991), Dua
Nhau Ve Den Dau ( Song Thu USA 1989), Ngo Ngac Coi Nguoi (Nhan Van USA
1989), Hoi Tho VietNam (Song Thu USA 1986), Ruou Hong Da Rot (Tho 1974), Luc
Bat Ca (Tho 1970), Ca Dao Tinh Yeu (Tho 1970), Tho Tinh (Tho 1970), Nen Huong
Cho Ban Chan Trai (Tho 1970), Hoa Binh Oi, Hay Den (Tho 1970), Vien Dan Cho
Nguoi Yeu Dau (Tho 1969), Chet Trong Long Nguoi (Nguong Cua 1967), Troi Song
(Van Hoc 1966), and Ve Troi (Van Hoc 1964). Time by Thang
Vinh (Click
on title) Thang Vinh was born the son of
famous artist Nguyen Khai. His essay here posted was first published by Viet
World Magazine, Vol 1 No 6. The translation version was published in SongVan
magazine, issue 5. NEW
The silence of yesterday Published by Coi Nguon Foundation
of Poetry and Prose, 1999 A bilingual
collection of selected poems of 22 published authors - 280 pages - $18.00. Contact:
Coi Nguon Foundation of Poetry and Prose c/o SONG NHI - 346 N. Tenth Street #
B San Jose, CA 95112 USA. Tel: (408) 279-8919. Copyright © The Writers Post 1999-2000.
Nothing in this issue may be downloaded, distributed, or reproduced without
the permission of the author/ translator/ artist/ and The Writers Post. THE WRITERS POST The Writers Post, based in the USA, established on July 1999. |