Dien Nghi, pseudonym of Duong Dien Nghi, born
in Le Thuy, Quang Binh Province, Central Vietnam, graduated in Law from
Faculty of Laws in Saigon. He is the
author of six books published before 1975: Khai luan ve Tho Moi (An outline
of New Poetry, 1956), Xac la rung thu (Dries leaves of Autumn Forest, poems,
1956), Khai luan van nghe quan doi (An outline of Military Artistry, 1957),
Chuyen cua nang (The story of Hers – poems, 1962), Rung Do Quyen va ke la
(Drongo and the stranger – poems, 1971), Vung troi may trang (The Whiten Sky
– story, 1972). Dien Nghi's articles have appeared in Saigon since 1952, in
the magazines: Doi Moi, Tham My, Van Nghe Tien Phong, Phung Su, Chien Si Cong
Hoa, Khoi Hanh, Sang Tao.
1- Khai luan ve Tho moi, 1956
2- Xac la rung thu, 1956
3- Khai luan van nghe
quan doi, 1957
4- Chuyen cua nang, 1962
5- Rung Do Quyen va ke
la, 1971
6- Vung troi may trang,
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· THE WRITERS POST (ISSN: 1527-5467),
the magazine of Literature & Literature-in-translation.
based in the US, established on July 1999.
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