Huy Tuong, pseudonym Nguyen Duc Hiep, poet and translator, born in 1942 in Duc
Phu, Tam Ky. He started in
the literary community before 1975, contributed
to several literay magazines published in Saigon, former capital of South
Vietnam. In
the oversea, his poems appeared in
the US-based literary magazine Hop Luu. He is the author of several books of
poems and translation, including Mua trong vuon chiem bao (poetry), Mot mua
toc mo (poetry), Ao nguyet ca (poetry), Hoi duong cung may trang (poetry),
Trang keu Xanh (poetry), Trong da (poetry), Nguoi nuoi lua tich mich
(poetry), Chang tre tuoi gan da (translation), Tren chiec du bay
(translation), Tuyet tren ngon Kilimanjaro (translation), Tho ca
(transaltion). His works also appeared in the anthology ‘ Tho tinh Viet-Nam
va the gioi’ (Nguyen Hung Truong, 1998). He is living in Ho Chi Minh City,
Mua trong vuon chiem bao (poetry)
2- Mot mua toc mo (poetry)
3- Ao nguyet ca (poetry),
4- Hoi duong cung may trang (poetry)
Trang keu Xanh (poetry),
6- Trong da (poetry),
Nguoi nuoi lua tich mich (poetry)
Chang tre tuoi gan da (translation)
9- Tren chiec du bay
Tuyet tren ngon Kilimanjaro (translation)
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· THE WRITERS POST (ISSN: 1527-5467),
the magazine of Literature & Literature-in-translation.
based in the US, established on July 1999.
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