Khe Kinh Kha

Khe Kinh Kha


KHE KINH KHA was born in Ha Tinh in 1946. Pursuing higher education, he came to the US in 1967, attended the University of Massachusetts where he obtained his Master degree in Chemical Engineering. He started writing in 1963, his poems appeared now and then in some literary magazines published in Vietnam dating from 1966. In the oversea, he did not resumed his writing until 2005, when his poems appeared in Van, Van Hoc, Hop Luu, The Ky 21, Thu Quan Ban Thao. His ‘To Tinh’, a collection of poems and songs was recently published in limited edition by Thu Quan Ban Thao.




To Tinh (NJ: Thu Quan Ban Thao, 2006)

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The Writers Post
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& literature-in-translation,

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