NGUYEN HUU TRI, short-story writer, professor, translator,
interviewer and editor, born in 1936 in NhaTrang (Vietnam), educated at Vo
Tanh College (NhaTrang), obtained his Baccalaureate II (1958). Pursuing his
higher education, in 1959, he went to the US on the Leadership Training
Scholarship (1959-1964), received his BA in English from Miami University in
Oxford, Ohio (1962), his M.S in Linguistics from Georgetown University in
Washington, D.C. (1964), and in 1981, his Ph.D. in Linguistics from
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. He returned to Vietnam in 1964, and
became an Associate Professor of English and Linguistics, taught courses in
Practical English, American Literature, and Methodology of Teaching English
as a Foreign Language at the universities: University of Saigon (Faculty of
Letters, Faculty of Pedagogy, and Medical School), University of Can Tho, and
Van Hanh University where he later became, 1966-69, the Director of the
Language Center, administered and directed four distinct language programs in
English, French, German and Japanese, supervised 14 college teachers of
different nationalities. Also, he was an ESL Instructor at the Army Language
School of the Vietnamese American Association (under the direction of USIA),
and IBM. Saigon. Coming back to and settling in the US in 1969, he worked as
a Consultant, IDA, Science and Technology Division (Language and Translation
Study) in Washington, D.C. And afterwards, from 1970 to 1971, an Assistant to
the Cultural Officer, Embassy of the Republic of Vietnam, Washington, D.C.;
from 1971 to 1972, an Instructor of Vietnamese at World Instruction and
Translation Inc. (Defense Language Institute contractor), Arlington,
Virginia, where he taught Vietnamese to American military personnel; from
1975 to 1976, a Consultant at the National Bilingual Resource Center at the
University of Southwestern Louisiana, where he helped many school districts
in six Southeastern states set up ESL programs for Indochinese students; and
from 1977 to 2002, a Professor at Northern Virginia Community College.
Parallelly, from 1972 to present, he was working at VOA as a POV at the
Vietnamese Service (1972-1982), and from 1982 onwards, an International Radio
Broadcaster (Vietnamese), an interviewer, and an editor. In the field of
literature, Nguyen Huu Tri made his name as a writer with the publication of
“Thang Ngo” (1992), a collection of Vietnamese language short-stories, which
was followed by “An Trua, Nghe Ke Chuyen Tinh”, another collection of stories
published by Van (1999).
Thang Ngo (story, 1992)
2- An trua, nghe ke chuyen tinh (CA: Van, 1999)
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· THE WRITERS POST (ISSN: 1527-5467),
the magazine of Literature & Literature-in-translation.
based in the US, established on July 1999.
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