Phan Xuan Sinh, born in 1948 in Nai Hien Tay Da
Nang. Former officier in South Vietnam Armed Force. After the South of
Vietnam collapsed, Phan Xuan Sinh immigrated to the US, where he settled in
Massachusettes. His debut collection of poetry, published in Vietnam, “Chen
ruou mung” (co-authored with Du My) was followed by “Boi Tren Giong Nuoc
Nguoc” (CAN: Song Thu, 2002). His poems have appeared in magazines published
in the US after 1975.
Chen ruou
mung” (co-authored with Du My. VN: ..)
Boi tren
giong nuoc nguoc (CAN: Song Thu)
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· THE WRITERS POST (ISSN: 1527-5467),
the magazine of Literature & Literature-in-translation.
based in the US, established on July 1999.
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