Song Ho, born in 1932, is a poet and
a journalist. He began his writing career in 1952 in Hanoi (North Vietnam) and
became a journalist after his resettling in 1954 in Saigon (South Vietnam),
where he contributed to numerous newspapers, radio broadcast. His most recent
book of poems, Da va Hoa, was published by Huong Duong Publisher (1992),
after Tho Song Ho, a collection of poems, published by Khai Tri Publisher
(Saigon, 1964). Hai Canh Hoa Tim, his first book of poetry, was published in
1960. Rock and Flower, an English-language version of Da va Hoa translated
by Song Ho was published in 2000. Some of the poems in this translation
version had been published in anthologies or magazines, including Transformed
(On the Threshold Of A Dream, 1988), Sunday morning (American Poetry
Anthology 1988), A Secular tree (Many Voices and Many Lands, 1989), Once more
being a baby (Best New Poets Of 1988, under
the title Once more to be a baby.), Lunar Eclipsed Night
((Love's Greatest Treasures), The Seasons (Days Of Future's Past), On the
Blue Dragon Hill (Selected Poets Of The New Era 1989) Real Golden Sun (The
World's Largest Poem For Peace, UN 1991), Finer, Grass & Man, Man &
Grass (Song Van Magazine -issue 8&9/1997), That is the difference but the
same, Who gives to me, A pink lily (Song Van -issue 10/1997), Turning around
ceaselessly, Chrysanthemum, Creation (Song Van, issue 11/1997), The Mountain
(Song Van, 1999), Secular tree (Song Van, 1999).
Hai canh hoa
Tho Song Ho, 1964.
Da va Hoa, 1992.
Roch and Flower, 2000.
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· THE WRITERS POST (ISSN: 1527-5467),
the magazine of Literature & Literature-in-translation.
based in the US, established on July 1999.
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