Thien Nhat Phuong, pseudonym of Dang Van
Dung, translator, social worker in the State of Washington, former teacher at
Vietnamese American Association School and several high schools in Vietnam
before 1975. Thien Nhat Phuong received his B.A. in Education from Saigon
University, and his MSW from University of Washington. As a translator, he
translated into Vietnamese ‘The end of the affair’ by Graham Green / Ket Thuc
Mot Chuyen tinh (Vietnam: Van, 1963), ‘A good scent from the strange
mountain’ by Robert Olen Butler / Huong Thom Tu Nui La (US: Nguoi Viet Tay
Bac, 1995), and into English ‘Truong khuc me ve bien Dong’ by Du Tu Le /
‘Tributes To Mother On The Way Home Via Pacific Ocean’ (co-translator with
Tran Le Khanh).
‘Truong khuc me ve bien Dong’ by Du Tu Le / ‘Tributes To Mother On The Way
Home Via Pacific Ocean’ (co-translator with Tran Le Khanh – US: H.T.
Production, 2002).
Huong Thom Tu Nui La / A good scent from the strange mountain’ by Robert Olen
Butler (translation - US: Nguoi Viet Tay Bac, 1995),
Ket Thuc Mot Chuyen tinh / ‘The end of the affair’ by Graham Green
(translation - Vietnam: Van, 1963)
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· THE WRITERS POST (ISSN: 1527-5467),
the magazine of Literature & Literature-in-translation.
based in the US, established on July 1999.
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