Yen Tram, pseudonym of Phan Thi
Tot, who was a teacher at Ngo Quyen High School, Bien Hoa, South Vietnam. She
received her B.A. in Education from Saigon University, and her Certificate in
the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language from SEAMEC Regional English
Language Center in Singapore. Fifteen years after South Vietnam fell to the
Communists in 1975, she came to the United States in 1990, settled with her family
in Wahington State. In 1996, she started in the local literary community, publishing her poems originally written in English in some local
magazines, or contributing her poems for inclusion in student poetry books
that were distributed to all the students in the poetry class she attended,
Vintage Northwest and Pacific Quick Silver.
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· THE WRITERS POST (ISSN: 1527-5467),
the magazine of Literature & Literature-in-translation.
based in the US, established on July 1999.
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