IN A Listing of Vietnamese Poets and Writers
ELECTRONIC MAGAZINE OF WRITING Copyright © The Writers Post 1999-2000. Nothing in this website may be downloaded, distributed, or reproduced without the permission of the author/ translator/ artist/ and The Writers Post. Creating links to place The Writers Post or any of its pages within other framesets or in other documents is copyright violation, and is not permitted. ISSN 1527-5469 – US-based, founded
1999. Founder & Editor: N. Saomai / Nguyen Sao Mai VOLUME 3 - NUMBER 1 - JAN 2001
_________________________________________________________ LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION The stirring red by
Le Thi Hue (Click title) Le Thi
Hue was born in 1953 in Ha Tinh, Vietnam. She
is the author of Bui Hong ( a collection of stories, published by Luy Tre
Xanh Publisher, 1984), Ki niem voi My Anh ( stories, Luy Tre Xanh, 1987),
Rong ran ( a novel, Luy Tre Xanh, 1989),
Khoi di tu Tho Ngay den Su That ( 1995), Canh thuc cung tho mong ( with Vu Quynh
Huong, Tran Sa - a collection of poems, Luy Tre Xanh Publisher, 1996). Van
hoa tri tre, nhin tu Hanoi dau the ky 21 (Van Moi Publisher, 2001). 'The
stirring red' is translated from the original version 'Do xao xuyen' first
published in SongVan magazine, issue 12&13 / 1998. The nightingale's death - by
Song Ho (Click title) Song Ho, born in 1932, is
a poet and a journalist. He began his writing career in 1952 in Hanoi (North
Vietnam) and became a journalist after his resettling in 1954 in Saigon
(South Vietnam), where he contributed to numerous newspapers, radio
broadcast. His most recent book of poems, Da va Hoa, was published by Huong
Duong Publisher (1992), after Tho Song Ho, a collection of poems, published
by Khai Tri Publisher (Saigon, 1964). Hai Canh Hoa Tim, his first book of
poetry, was published in 1960. Rock and Flower, an English-language version
of Da va Hoa translated by Song Ho is published in 2000. Some of the poems in
this translation version had been published in anthologies or magazines,
including Transformed (On the Threshold Of A Dream, 1988), Sunday morning
(American Poetry Anthology 1988), A Secular tree (Many Voices and Many Lands,
1989), Once more being a baby (Best New Poets Of 1988, under
the title Once more to be a baby.), Lunar Eclipsed Night ((Love's Greatest
Treasures), The Seasons (Days Of Future's Past), On the Blue Dragon Hill
(Selected Poets Of The New Era 1989) Real Golden Sun (The World's Largest
Poem For Peace, UN 1991), Finer, Grass & Man, Man & Grass (Song Van
Magazine -issue 8&9/1997), That is the difference but the same, Who gives
to me, A pink lily (Song Van -issue 10/1997), Turning around ceaselessly,
Chrysanthemum, Creation (Song Van, issue 11/1997), The Mountain (Song Van,
1999), Secular tree (Song Van, 1999). The nouriture of hair
Hoang Xuan Son(Click title) Hoang Xuan Son was born in Thua
Thien Vietnam in 1942. He began writing poetry in 1962. Vien Pho, his first
collection of poetry, was published in 1989 by Viet Chien Publisher. His most
recent work Hue Buon Chi, a collection of poems, was published in 1993. Hoang
Xuan Son's poems have appeared in numerous magazines of literature and art
published in the United States and Canada. ENGLISH LITERATURE Art by Tu Huynh (Click title) Tu Huynh, painter. The son of an officer in
the Southern military force, he was born in 1970 in Vietnam. His father who participated
in the 1966 Central Vietnam uprising died in 1972 when he was two years old.
In 1975, one day before the fall of Saigon on April 30 ending the war of
attrition and the corruptible, inefficient systems of military government his
father protested, he left a collapsed South Vietnam. A Chinook piloted by his
uncle picked up him and his family from the centre of the capital at 4:AM for
nowhere but the ocean with no certainty of a safe destination. But ships
seemed to be waiting. Afterwards, he came to the US, where he settled. Tu
Huynh wrote poems and painted in his early age. Graduated from University of
Florida in Fine Art with Honours in 1995 he painted regularly ever since. He
first exhibited in Washington DC in 1999.
Gallery Shows: 1995 -- Vietnam House Gallery, 23 Cardinal
Lemoine, Paris 1990 -- Plum Blossom Gallery, Hong Kong 1991 -- La Vong Gallery, Hong Kong International
Exhibitions: 1962 -- The 1st International Fine Arts
Exhibition in Saigon 1963 -- Biennial de Paris 1964 -- Biennial de Tunis Publications: 1990 -- Uncorked Soul, Vietnamese Arts Contemporary, published in
Hong Kong. 1991 -- Fine Contemporary Vietnamese Art,
published in hong Kong. 1994 -- 100 Years of Vietnamese Fine Arts Contemporary,
published in Singapore. 1996 -- 100 Vietnamese Artists of 20th
Century, published in Hanoi, Vietnam. 1996 -- Vietnamese Paintings contemporary,
published in hanoi Vietnam. 1997 -- Southeast Asian Art, published in
Singapore AWARDS: 1963 -- Bronze Medal of the Spring
Paintings, National Exhibition, Vietnam. 1964 -- Silver Medal of the Spring
Paintings, National Exhibition, Vietnam. Shadowy
Graces 1 1998, Oil on
canvas, 36x48 inches VIETNAMESE
LASTEST ADDITION... (Click here for the listings updated) SHORT STORIES, POEMS from current, and
previous issues:
Woman behind the billboard -- Hoang Thi Bich Ti The stirring red -- Le Thi Hue
A painter's Crossing -- Tu Huynh Country-You-Happiness -- Song Ho To a lonely child -- Song
Ho Father and son -- Hoang
Xuan Son The nouriture of hair -- Hoang Xuan Son The nightingale's death -- Song Ho Art -- Tu
Huynh THE WRITERS POST Copyright © The Writers Post 1999-2000. Nothing
in this issue may be downloaded, distributed, or reproduced without the
permission of the author/ translator/ artist/ and The Writers Post. E-mail: ·
The Writers Post, based in the USA, established on July
1999. |