INDEX -- Fiction, Poetry from current and
previous issues -- TWP BIOGRAPHICAL
DATABASE Photographs
and factual information on contributing authors ---(please find the link below) Published authors and artists featured in
The Writers Post current issue: Uyen Nicole Duong
(Duong Nhu Nguyen), Hoang Loc, Hoang Xuan Son, N. Saomai, Song Ho, Nguyen Thi
Thanh Binh, Song Vinh, GTV, Rung. & their most recent publications ·
UYEN NICOLE DUONG / Duong Nhu Nguyen’s
Mui Huong Que collection
of stories- 322p.;21cm CA:
Van Nghe Publisher, 1999 -->Library
Collections: · Harvard University
Library. Location: Harvard-Yenching. · Cornell University
Library. Location: Kroch Library Asia. · DIEN
NGHI’s Vung troi may trang a
novel [Saigon,
Vietnam. 1972} · HOANG LOC’s Qua may troi suong mua poetry
– 201p.; 21cm CA:
Van Moi Publisher, 1999 · HOANG
XUAN SON’s · Hue buon
chi Collection
of poetry Author,
1993 · Vien Pho Collection
of poems – 138p.;21cm Montreal
Canada: Viet Chien 1988 -->Library
Collections: · Cornell University Library.
Location: Kroch Library Asia. · LUAN
HOAN’s · Co Hoa Goi
Dau Collection
of poetry – 120p.; 21cm FL:
Song Van, 1997 · Cam on dat
da tro tho... Collection
of poems – 124p.; 22cm TX:
Kinh Do Publisher 1991 -->Library
Collections: · Cornell University
Library. Location: Kroch Library Asia. · N.
SAOMAI / Nguyen Sao Mai’s Can Nha novel
– 456p.; 21cm FL:
Song Van, 1997 -->Library
Collections: · Library of Congress.
Location: Asian Reading Room (Jefferson LJ 150) · Cornell University
Library. Location: Kroch Library Asia. · NGUYEN
THI THANH BINH’s Tron Vao Giac Mo Em poetry
collection CA:
Thanh Van, 1997. · RUNG /
Kinh Duong Vuong’s Nhung Chiec Mat Na Cuoi collection
of short story – 161p.; 21cm CA:
Van Moi Publisher, 1997 -->Library
Collections: · Harvard University
Library. Location: Harvard-Yenching. · Cornell University
Library. Location: Kroch Library Asia. · SONG HO’s Da
va Hoa
collection – 231p.; 22cm TX:
Huong Duong Publisher, 1992 -->Library
Collections: · Library of the
Congress. Location: Asian Reading Room (Jefferson LJ150) · SONG
Duoi Hien xua
collection – 136p.; 21cm CA:
Van Tuyen Publisher, 2000 -->Contact
the author: · By Post: 107 Broomfield Way Apex, NC 27502 · By Phone: (919) 301-5129 · VU THI
AN / GTV’s Cuoi Neo Duong Hanh Phuc -->Contact
the author: · By Post: PO. Box 137 Middlebranch, Ohio 44652 Note:
Contributors’ titles here in this page presented (or in the issues mentioned)
are not intended to be ordered through this website. FEATURES: · VIETLINKS Links
to original versions of the translations published in The Writers Post. To
read these Vietnamese versions you need the VPS font. Please click
here enter VIETLINKS Brief biographies and photographs of contributing
Writers, Poets, Artists, and Translators. The Writers Post is pleased to announce the launch of the printed WORDBRIDGE Premier issue in Spring 2002. (please click below)
Copyright © The
Writers Post 1999-2000. Nothing in this website may be downloaded, distributed, or reproduced
without the permission of the author/ translator/ artist/ and The Writers
Post. Creating links to place The Writers Post or any of its pages within
other framesets or in other documents is copyright violation, and is not
permitted. ISSN 1527-5469 – US-based,
founded 1999. Founder &
Editor: N. Saomai / Nguyen Sao Mai VOLUME 4 - NUMBER 2 – Jul. 2002
_________________________________________________________ LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION By the cemetery on Millington Street Reclaiming a rib - by
Hoang Loc
(Click title) Hoang Loc, born
in 1943 in Quang Nam, started
writing poem in the early 60's, received the 1971 Vietnam Pen's Award for poetry.
Since 1960, Hoang Loc's poems have been published in number of literary
magazines published in Vietnam and abroad. His first collection of poetry
"Tho Hoc Tro" published in 1965 was followed by "Trai Tim Con
Lai" (1971), and "Qua May Troi Suong Mua" (1999). Hoang Loc's
poems have recently been translated into English, including "By the
cemetery on Millington Street", "Reclaiming a rib" translated
by Nguyen Minh Triet, and "To Mississippi" by Thanh Thanh.
Of Tree-frog, and Clown;
Untitled by Hoang Xuan Son (Click title) Hoang Xuan Son (real name) or Su Mac (pseudonym), born
in Vy Da-Thua Thien (Vietnam) in 1942 (registered
as 1947 in his birth certificate), teacher and public servant, was educated at
universities from where he graduated: University of Saigon (Bachelor degree
of Education-Western philosophy), and University of
Dalat (Master of Business Administration). Hoang Xuan Son began writing
poetry in 1963. His first poem 'Ngay be lon len' appeared in Van magazine in
1964 (the magazine was then under the editorship of Tran Phong Giao,
published by the publisher Nguyen Dinh Vuong), was followed by many others
published in Van, Chinh Van, Nghien Cuu Van Hoc, Khoi Hanh, Thoi Tap, Nha Van
magazines... In 1981 he left Vietnam for Canada where he settled. Vien Pho,
his first collection of poetry, was published in 1989 by Viet Chien
Publisher. His most recent book Hue Buon Chi, a collection of poems, was
published in 1993. Beside these two publications, Hoang Xuan Son's poems
reappeared in numerous literary magazines, anthologies, and electronic
literary magazines on the World Wide Web published based in the United States
and Canada. A new poetry collection Tho Quynh and a CD titled Quynh Huong
that presents the songs of ten distinguished songwriters are in preparation. Words by N. Saomai (Click title) N. Saomai,
born on 19 February 1940, started his writing in the early
sixties, contributed to newspapers as a freelance writer based in Saigon, and
to a monthly as a staff writer (from 1968 to 1971). His pieces were then
published pseudonymously under many different names. He completed four novels
(written in the period from 1962 to 1975), which remained unpublished during
the Viet-Nam war. 'Can Nha', a novel having got past the military
government's censors of the press, been ready to be published in 1974, was
published 23 years later, periodically in SongVan [USA: SongVan (ISSN
1089-8123), 1996-1997] and in book form in December
1997. Several excerpts
from the novel were republished in Van Magazine, (CA: Van
Magazine, 1999), and in the anthology 'Tho van hai ngoai nam 2000', (Canada:
Viet Thuong, 2000). Another novel, 'Bon no le trong den tho', was also
published periodically in SongVan, issue 15, but this is the last issue
before the discontinuity of the magazine in December 1999. Forked roads by Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh (Click title) Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh -- Her
most recent book is Tron Vao giac Mo Em, a collection of poetry published by
Thanh Van Publisher (1997). This is the fourth book of the author, after O
Doi Song Nay (a collection of short stories) published by Dai Nam Publisher
(1989), Giot Le Xe Hai (a novel) published by Van Khoa Publisher, and Cuoi
Dem Dai (a collection of short stories) published by An Tiem Publisher
(1993). Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh's poems have appeared in numerous magazines. Thoughts about
Poetry by Song Ho (Click title) Song Ho,
born in 1932, is a poet and a journalist. He began his writing
career in 1952 in Hanoi (North Vietnam) and became a journalist after his
resettling in 1954 in Saigon (South Vietnam), where he contributed to
numerous newspapers, radio broadcast. His most recent book of poems, Da va
Hoa, was published by Huong Duong Publisher (1992), after Tho Song Ho, a
collection of poems, published by Khai Tri Publisher (Saigon, 1964). Hai Canh
Hoa Tim, his first book of poetry, was published in 1960. Rock and Flower, an
English-language version of Da va Hoa translated by Song Ho is published in
2000. Some of the poems in this translation version had been published in
anthologies or magazines, including Transformed (On the Threshold Of A Dream,
1988), Sunday morning (American Poetry Anthology 1988), A Secular tree (Many
Voices and Many Lands, 1989), Once more being a baby (Best New Poets Of 1988,
under the title Once more to be a baby.), Lunar Eclipsed Night (Love's
Greatest Treasures), The Seasons (Days Of Future's Past), On the Blue Dragon
Hill (Selected Poets Of The New Era 1989) Real Golden Sun (The World's
Largest Poem For Peace, UN 1991), Finer, Grass & Man, Man & Grass
(Song Van Magazine -issue 8&9/1997), That is the difference but the same,
Who gives to me, A pink lily (Song Van -issue 10/1997), Turning around
ceaselessly, Chrysanthemum, Creation (Song Van, issue 11/1997), The Mountain
(Song Van, 1999), Secular tree (Song Van, 1999). "Thoughts
about Poetry" published in this issue is the newest version, revised by
the author in 2002; the version published in Rock & Flower in 2000
contains misprint and errors. April by Dien Nghi (Click title) Dien Nghi, pseudonym of Duong Dien Nghi, born in Le Thuy, Quang Binh
Province, Central Vietnam, graduated in Law from Faculty of Laws in Saigon. He is the author of six books
published before 1975: Khai luan ve Tho Moi (An outline of New Poetry, 1956),
Xac la rung thu (Dries leaves of Autumn Forest, poems, 1956), Khai luan van
nghe quan doi (An outline of Military Artistry, 1957), Chuyen cua nang (The
story of Hers – poems, 1962), Rung Do Quyen va ke la (Drongo and the stranger
– poems, 1971), Vung troi may trang (The Whiten Sky – story, 1972). Dien
Nghi's articles have appeared in Saigon since 1952, in the magazines: Doi
Moi, Tham My, Van Nghe Tien Phong, Phung Su, Chien Si Cong Hoa, Khoi Hanh,
Sang Tao. A two-faced
by Song Vinh (Click title) Song Vinh, pseydonym of Ngo Gia Thanh, born in Saigon
(Vietnam) in 1955. Song Vinh left Vietnam in 1975, after finished his first
year at Saigon University, to the US where he settled in Raleigh, North
Carolina. He is on the executive board of the electronic magazine Van Nghe
Ngan Phuong, and is the author of Ve Duoi Hien Xua, a poetry collection that
made his literary debut, published by Van Tuyen in 1999. Song Vinh's poems
and stories have appeared in numerous magazines published in the US.
Tay by Uyen Nicole Duong (Click
title) Uyen Nicole Duong, or Duong Nhu Nguyen, was born in Hoi An Quang Nam,
brought up in Hue and Saigon (the former capital of South Vietnam). Duong Nhu
Nguyen received her B.S. in Journalism/ Communication from Southern Illinois
University, J.D. from University of Houston (Texas), and LLM from Harvard Law
School (Cambridge MA). She is believed
to be the first Vietnamese Municipal Judge in the United
States (Serving in Texas: Associate Municipal Judge, City of Houston, and Magistrate for State
of Texas; honoured by the American Bar Association at "Minority Women in
the Judiciary" conference -- NYC, 1992). Practicing law but she sees
herself primarily as a writer, and writes in two languages: Vietnamese and
English. Her pieces in Vietnamese appeared in numerous literary magazines,
her English's in SongVan Magazine, and Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal.
Duong Nhu Nguyen's first book, 'Mui huong que' - a collection of short
stories, was published by Van Nghe Publisher in 1999. Her short story
"The young woman who practiced singing" first submitted to and published
in Songvan Magazine (1998) won two awards, one of which was the Stuart Miller
Writing Award organised by District of Columbia Bar Association (1998). The
short story "The Ghost of Ha Tay" published in this issue was a
finalist selection for the Columbine Award of the Moondance Film Festival
2001. Duong Nhu Nguyen also wrote articles, critiques. Her article
"Gender issues in Vietnam – The Vietnamese Woman: Warrior and Poet"
appeared in the Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal, University of
Washington, College of Law, March 2001. The plastic duck
lantern by GTV (Click
title) GTV, Vu Thi An, pseudonyms of Thuy Ai Nguyen. GTV received her
BS in Chemistry from Mount Union College and her MBA from Baldwin Wallace
College, in Ohio. Her most recent publications are Tinh que - Tinh Tho
(poetry), Cuoi Neo Duong Hanh Phuc (poetry). Her pieces appeared in the
magazines: Van Nghe Tien Phong (Vietnam), Co Thom (Virginia), Hai Ngoai Nhan
Van (Massachusetts), and Que Huong Hai Ngoai (Michigan).
CONTRIBUTORS Uyen Nicole Duong Hoang Loc Nguyen Thi Thanh
Binh Song Vinh GTV
Works introducing world literature into Vietnamese literary community: MIENG's Tuyen tap truyen dich, TRINH Y THU's Doi Nhe Khon Kham. To bridge the gap between World literature and Vietnamese
literature, translators or established writers had introduced their works of
translation into literary communities. Remarkable books of translation, from
Vietnamese into English and French or vice-versa, have been published and
circulated, including Thien Nhat Phuong & Tran Le Khanh's Tributes
to Mother on her way home via Pacific Ocean – Truong khuc Me ve bien Dong,
poetry of Du Tu Le (CA: HT Productions, 2002), Coi Nguon's The Silence
of Yesterday- Poetry of 22 co-authors (CA: Coi Nguon, 1999) Nguyen Ngoc
Bich's The Flower of Hell, and Blood Seeds Become Poetry –Hoa Dia Nguc,
and Hat mau Tho; poetry of Nguyen Chi Thien (both published in 1996). The
most recent books of translation introducing World literature into the
Vietnamese literary community are 'Tuyen tap truyen dich' by Mieng,
Doi Nhe Khon Kham by Trinh Y Thu. · Tuyen Tap Truyen Dich, published by Van Moi (CA: 2001), is a
translation collection of 9 short stories. Works by Hwang Sun-Won, Jim
Phelan, Singa Naoya, Alberto Moravia, Milan Kundera, Nabil Naoum, O'Henry,
Tchekhov, and Ainsa Fernando are translated by the Vietnamese established writer Mieng. MIENG, pseudonym
of Vo Thi Xuan-Suong, who won the Hoa Tinh Thuong Magazine's first prize
award for short story in 1972, is the author of Doi Mat (collection of short
fiction, VN: 1973) and Tuyen tap truyen ngan (collection of short fiction,
CA:1998). Her short stories have appeared in Vietnamese literary magazines
published in the US and in French, including Hop Luu, The Ky 21, Van hoc,
Van, Dien Dan, and Huong Sen. · Doi Nhe Khon Kham, is the translation version of a novel by Milan Kundera.
It is introduced to the Vietnamese literary community by the Vietnamese
writer, editor, and translator Trinh Y Thu, who translates it from the
English version The Unbearable Lightness of Being – the translation by
Michael Henry Heim. "Doi Nhe Khon Kham" is published by Van hoc [CA: Van Hoc, 2002]. $15.00 paper/
US $17.00 paper/
outside US Contact: TRINH Y THU
22 Agostino -- Irvine, CA 92614 email: RUNG/ Kinh
Duong Vuong, pseudonyms of Nguyen Tuan Khanh, born in
1941, graduated from Hue Fine Art School (Vietnam), member of Young Artist
Association of Vietnam (1966), member of Vietnamese Artists Association in
Northwest USA (1995), member of Artcore Gallery, Los Angleles (1997)
exhibition: 1996 – Pacific
Asian Art Museum, California. Les Parfums des L'éxil, Canada. Museum of Art, San Jose,
california, USA. 1994 – Asian
Modern Art International Exhibition, Vietnam. 1991-1994 – As seen by both Sides, Boston & Washington DC, USA 1989 – Museum
of Art, Saigon Vietnam. 1985 – Vietnamese
Artist Grou[p Exhibition, Sandvoss, Germany. 1972 –
Rung & Hoang Dang Nhuan Exhibition, Dolce Vita, Saigon Vietnam. 1968 – Rung,
Vinh Phoi, Ton That Van Exhibition, Faculty of Letter – Hue, Vietnam. 1967 – Vietnamese
Exhibition, Washington DC, USA. 1966 – Spring
Exhibition, Vietnam. 1965 – Young
Artists Association Exhibition, Saigon, Vietnam. 1960 – Spring
Exhibition, Saigon, Vietnam.
1997 – Artcore
Gallery, Los Angeles 1993 – Museum
of Fine Art, Saigon, Vietnam. 1993 – Fine
Art Gallery, 16 Ngo Quyen St. Hanoi, Vietnam. 1992 – Journalist
Association, Saigon, Vietnam. 1989 – Liberty
Gallery, Saigon, Vietnam. 1988 – The
French Ins. of Cultural Exchange, Saigon, Vietnam. 1987 – Fine
Art Association, Saigon, Vietnam. 1969 – French
Cultural Center, Danang, Vietnam. 1965 – International
Hall, Saigon, Vietnam. 1960 – Spring
Exhibition, Saigon, Vietnam. Collected
Artworks: In
Japan, Indonesia, Malysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Germany, France, USA. Publications: 1997 – "Nhung
Chiec Mat Na Cuoi", Collection of short stories (CA: Van moi, 1997). VIETNAMESE POETS
UPDATED VERSION... (Click here for the listings updated) SHORT STORIES, POEMS from current, and
previous issues:
Woman behind the billboard -- Hoang Thi Bich Ti The stirring red
-- Le Thi Hue The Ghost of Ha Tay
– Uyen Nicole
Duong The Plastic Duck lantern – GTV
A painter's Crossing -- Tu
Huynh Country-You-Happiness -- Song
Ho To a lonely child
-- Song Ho Father and son
-- Hoang Xuan Son The nouriture of hair -- Hoang
Xuan Son The nightingale's death --
Song Ho Art
-- Tu Huynh Thoughts of poetry – Song
Ho Forked roads
– Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh Words
– N. Saomai Of tree-frog, and Clown
– Hoang Xuan Son Untitled
– Hoang Xuan Son By the cemetery on Millington
Street – Hoang Loc Reclaiming a rib
– Hoang Loc April -- Dien Nghi A two-faced world
– Song Vinh THE WRITERS POST Copyright
© The Writers Post 1999-2002. Nothing in this website may be downloaded,
distributed, or reproduced without the permission of the author/ translator/ artist/
and The Writers Post. E-mail: ·
The Writers Post, based in the USA,
established on July 1999. |